Global Tech Solutions Blog
Do you have any technology-related projects that require hardware acquisition? It’s a great time to consider it now, especially considering the expected increase of computing hardware costs. Working with a project management team like Global Tech Solutions can take out some of the risk, responsibility, and financial burden you might have for any new hardware acquisition during the project management cycle.
Smart products are everywhere nowadays, ranging from video doorbells and assistants to more niche appliances… including breast pumps and floss dispensers. However, despite all of these devices being very different, most have one thing in common.
It just so happens that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is concerned about this commonality, as it’s the fact that many don’t publicize when updates are available—or even provide them at all.
Technology brings a fair amount of automation to any organization that chooses to use it. One of the most popular ways that automation is used is by sending emails. Automated emails can be used in support of nearly any action your business takes, but there are questions whether some of them actually offer the value you think. Today, we discuss some of the pros and cons of automated emails.